Experience the 
memories that will last a lifetime

The Eretz Yisrael experience that’s a part of your life forever

Our tours


Camp Yachad

*Price does not include airfare and medical insurance

Summer Eretz Yisrael Tour

*Price does not include airfare and medical insurance

Summer Poland-Eretz Yisrael Tour

*Price does not include airfare and medical insurance

Summer Poland Tour

*Price does not include airfare and medical insurance

Europe Tour

*Price does not include airfare and medical insurance


Winter Eretz Yisrael Tour

Winter Europe Tour

Additional Programs

Yachad Married Program

Private School Tours

Yachad arranges private graduation trips for high schools and tours for seminaries.  If your school is running a private Yachad trip, register here.

About Yachad Tour

Ready for a life-changing experience?

Since 1999, Yachad Tours has earned its reputation as the ultimate tour experience for thousands of high school and post-high school girls.  A Yachad Tour is not just another trip; it’s a life-changing experience that will impact your connection to our land, our history and our Hakadosh Baruch Hu. 

Every Yachad Tour is renowned for its unparalleled gashmiyus and ruchniyus.  Every single day is carefully planned to pack in the maximum in chavayot and inspiration.  You’ll experience the thrill of scaling mountains and snorkeling in the sea, as well as the special opportunity to meet with Gedolim and Rebbetzins and visit our mekomos hakedoshim.  You’ll hear world-renowned speakers, sing heart-soaring kumsitzes, and discover new depth in your tefillos – all while having the greatest fun of your life. 

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you’ll strengthen your connection to yourself and Hakadosh Baruch Hu in a way you never have before. That’s what it means to experience a Yachad Tour.  

Yachad is
for life!

Once a Yachad girl, always a Yachad girl!

When you sign up for a Yachad Tour, you’re not just signing up for a few weeks of awesome chavayot and mind-blowing ruchniyus.  You’re signing up for new friendships and deep connections with quality girls that will last a lifetime.  

Because Yachad isn’t just a tour; it’s a family.  And once you’re part of our family, we’re with you for life.  You’ll reconnect at our reunions, celebrate at each other’s weddings and cherish friendships born out of your deep shared experience.

Every Yachad Tour Features

Full security

Top-level food and accommodations

Ruchniyus-infused program

Jam-packed itinerary

Sign up now!

Which tour would you like to sign up for?

Camp Yachad

07/01/2024 - 07/21/2024
Girls entering 11th and 12th grade

Summer Poland-Eretz Yisroel Tour

07/23/2024 - 08/18/2024
Post-high school girls and up

Summer Eretz Yisrael Tour

07/31/2024 - 08/18/2024
Post-high school girls and up

Summer Poland Tour

07/23/2024 - 07/30/2024
Post high school girls and up

Winter Eretz Yisrael Tour

Girls going into 11th and 12th grades

Winter Europe Tour

Post-high school girls

Yachad Married Program

Newly married women

Private school tours